Thursday, April 06, 2006

Backdated Posts

I've decided to place the few backdated posts I did into this one post, else it could get a bit tedious. Here we go...

01 February 2006
IBM T30 Laptop, 1.8Ghz Pentium 4 Mobile with 256Mb ram and 40 Gb HHD. Currently running Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger.
This is one of the first without the touchpad. Have had no problems, initially dual booted with Win XP Pro but later deleted XP. Have used Free BSD 6.0 for a very brief period on this problems, now waiting for the Dapper Drake release from Ubuntu.

MPEG4 Recorder
09 February 2006
Purchased this little gem, Archos AV500 MPEG4 Recorder, yeehaaaa! At long last I have a device to record my extreme antics. Just waiting for the all important camera and travel pack from Archos.

11 February 2006
Got a great deal on one of these excellent machines that can be carried around in your backpack, without the tag 'Mug Me' written all over it like a laptop shoulder bag!. Have XP Pro on it, initially for .Net development. IBM X30 Laptop, 1.2Ghz Pentium 3 Mobile with 512Mb ram and 40Gb HHD.
Deciding to delve deeper into the lesser known / used software packages out there - Ruby etc.

AV 500 Travel Pack and Camera
13 February 2006
They finally arrived. Watch this space for further development on the combination of these new gadgets!

IBM T30 Touchpad
11 March 2006
Got another great deal, this time an IBM T30 with a touchpad. Loaded Ubuntu Breezy Badger 5.10 on it, but had problem setting up SpeedTouch modem. Weird, I have 2 x IBM T30's, only difference is touchpad and both running the same Nix and kernel. Touchpad T30 doesn't like script I wrote for non Touchpad T30, which works everytime I load it :(
Will publish script later!

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