Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Guns n' Roses

I went to the G n' R concert held in Wembley on the 30/07/2006. I have to admit, I wasn't holding my breath expecting the best from a band that I feel shouldn't be called G n' R anymore.

You've got this band that is trying to re-create the essence of Guns n' Roses of 13 years ago, it just doesn't work. No disrespect to Axl or any of the other band members, but nothing can replace the legendary Axe wielding solo's of Slash - even the addition of extra guitarists, who are good, but not natural enough. Everything was very acted.

As for Axl, belting out a few of his past hits was great, but when you read that his loooonnngg awaited album 'Chinese Democracy' is still on hold because he wants to see how the public react to his new songs...well, don't hold your breath again. Sad, very sad. After hearing one of the songs at the concert, I felt like leaving because I didn't pay 40 quid to go listen to a 10 minute piano solo that accompanied new lyrics that appeared to be an attempt to win the applause of the crowd.

Nothing more to say really, except that I think Axl should rename his band and get on with it, that's if he really wants to recreate himself.

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